Per Florida Fire Prevention Code NFPA 101-, in the event that a required fire alarm/sprinkler system is determined not to be in proper working order for more than eight hours in a 24-hour period or is not installed, the following actions shall be taken by the facility or the building shall be vacated.
1. A temporary fire watch by individuals who are dedicated solely to fire watch duty must be established. It shall be the responsibility of management to ensure that fire watch personnel are capable of performing all functions of a fire watch as defined in this document. A qualified fire watch can be obtained by contacting a security company that has been trained in fire watch procedures.
2. Management shall instruct fire watch personnel as to the route covered. The route shall be explicitly defined to ensure fire watch personnel patrol the correct area.
3. Fire watch personnel assigned to each route shall be provided with instructions, a communication device to contact 911, any necessary keys, contact information for the property, all details regarding the route, and the functions to be carried out in covering the route.
4. Fire watch personnel shall make rounds at 60 minute intervals.
5. During the rounds, fire watch personnel shall make a thorough inspection of all buildings and/or spaces including concealed areas, such as attics, unoccupied storage areas, etc.
6. Fire watch personnel shall sign a log sheet maintained in the facility main office or other approved location. The log sheet shall include the name of the person conducting the fire watch, date, and the beginning and end time for each round initialed by the fire watch personnel. If needed, a Cape Coral Fire Department Fire Watch Log Sheet is available.
7. Log sheet must be faxed to (239) 242-3398 or emailed to fireinspections@capecoral.gov every morning by 8:00 a.m.