Cape Coral Fire Department Special Operations include hazardous materials response, marine rescue, dive rescue, and Urban Search and Rescue (USAR). These are added duties on top of a firefighter’s standard responsibilities.

Hazardous Materials
All Cape Coral firefighters are trained as hazardous materials awareness level responders able to recognize hazards, layout boom, and use carbon monoxide detectors and pH testing strips. There are 60 Cape Coral firefighters who have advanced training in hazard pre-planning, chemistry, event mitigation, hazard identification and analysis, and decontamination and serve as Hazmat Technicians on the Department's Hazardous Materials Team, operating out of Fire Station 12. Their equipment includes air/gas monitors, radiation detectors, protective clothing, leak stop devices, and decontamination. CCFD's hazardous materials response is guided by NFPA 472, Standard for Competency of Responders to Hazardous/Weapons of Mass Destructions Incidents.