Cape Coral is located on the southwest coast of Florida. It is the largest city between Tampa and Miami and the 8th largest by population in the state. Cape Coral has over 400 miles of canals, more than any other city in the world. The Cape Coral Fire Department is an Internationally Accredited, ISO Class 3 agency that provides service to the 222,000 residents of Cape Coral and coverage to the City’s 120-sq miles in addition to 20-sq miles of unincorporated Lee County that includes Burnt Store Marina. The Cape Coral Fire Department's 289 members operate out of 13 fire stations, two logistics warehouses, and fire headquarters which is located within the Emergency Operations Center. These 265 certified and 24 non-certified personnel duties include fire suppression, emergency medical response, special operations, prevention, risk reduction, and education, in addition to supporting the mission through budgeting, quality assurance, training, and equipment sustainability.
To protect and serve our community through risk reduction and emergency response.
Exceptional Service Together
We are entrusted with a noble duty to our Cape Coral Fire Department family and our community through the CAPE way:
Dedication to the health, safety, and well-being of all we serve.
Actions that uphold the trust of ourselves, our members, and our community.
Working in unity to provide compassionate service with integrity and respect.
The pursuit to be the best in everything we do.